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commercial base中文是什么意思

用"commercial base"造句"commercial base"怎么读"commercial base" in a sentence


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  • Applicants have to produce a one - minute tv commercial based on their understanding of privacy protection in real life . the panel of judges includes the hon
  • For this reason , we explore the commercial bases of the mass media and detail the forms of regulation and the influences bearing on them
  • The final mutual direction is to realize comprehensive interconnection between the core service capabilities and the different it infrastructures of the enterprise in real time collaboration area , thus further promote commercial based public web services and create change - adapting e - business models with chinese characteristics
    双方最终的努力方向是在企业实时协作领域,将核心的服务能力与企业不同it基础设施进行广泛互联,从而更加广泛地普及推广基于商业的公共的web service服务,创造出有中国特色的随需应变的电子商务模型。
用"commercial base"造句  


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